1 West Tribal Road
- Tiffany Wolfe - Director x 402
- Justine Murphy - Admin x 403
- Eric Mendoza - Compliance x 404
- Christopher Viveros - Tribal Resource x 405
- Alex Hunter - Admin x 406
- Joey Morales - Maintenance
- Teresa Viveros - Monitor
Rincon and the Environment:
Please contact EPA with any Environmental issues or questions.
Coming Soon: Posted 12/29 EPA is in the planning stages of inviting all Tribal Members and their families to participate in a meet and greet of the EPA Medicine Wheel project. A flyer and pictures from last years event are coming soon.
EPA has had a few inquiries regarding how grease needs to be handled please see attached link for suggestions. http://www.rangekleen.com/
How can I prepare for an Earthquake? Flyer
Posted 12/2/10: Native Plant Nursey
Gregory Canyon Landfill IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!!!!!
Ever wonder what to do with all those broken scrap crayons? EPA has supplied a fun project for you and the family. See Attached flyer Crayon Recipe
Monitoring, Compliance, Natural Resources, Nursery, Sustainability and Outreach